A BCIN Designer vs a Licensed Architect
*There are numerous websites that discuss a BCIN designer not being an Architect. Our response to this below.
Do you know that Frank Lloyd Wright, one of the greatest of the American “Architects”, did not have a full formal university degree in architecture? He was unable to get architectural certification in numerous states in the early 20th century?
He attended briefly a meeting with the state of California Architects Association Board, got into an argument with the board about certification and education, signed a blank cheque, placed it on the table, and left the meeting. He was eventually accepted based on experience, merit, and popularity, but did not officially meet their standards. This would be impossible with our new age of political and legal correctness, insurance requirements, and so on.
Other notable “architects” that did not have a university degree include: Louis Sullivan (FLW was his apprentice), Mies Van der Rohe, Le Corbusier, and Buckminister Fuller to name a few. Look it up really!!
I am not sure about Da Vinci, or Michelangelo, or Vitruvius. I would have to check if there were records on them for that, or even Universities or licensing boards… of course things were way different back in those times of history. But I hope you see my point.
No disrespect to licensed Architects or Architectural graduates is meant here. By the way a student, or graduate, in Architecture at a University is NOT legally an “Architect” yet until they have past all requirements for their association, and licensing board, and carry Insurance. Unless they have a license or a BCIN they can not submit for a building permit for a property of someone else. Though they can do the design concepts they are not legally responsible yet.
To be legally titled as an “Architect” in Ontario you must have a University degree in Architecture (nowadays a Masters Degree vs previously just a Bachelors Degree), be a licensed member of the OAA (Ontario Association of Architects), must have taken OAA licensing exams and passed such qualifications, and if providing services to the public must have liability and E/O insurance, and stamp, as an Architect.
However an Architect may or may not know all of the Building Codes and has not necessarily passed any code courses administered by the Province of Ontario’s MMAH, or the OBOA. Hiring an Architect will not guarantee you being problem free in your projects.
Please note a person that has a BCIN has to carry liability insurance, has passed numerous certified Province of Ontario code courses, typically is a member of a Technologists Association (such as the AATO or the OAAS) that also requires exams to be passed to be a certified member of that Association, and typically has graduated in a 3 year to 5 year FULL TIME program at a certified community College. Plus most of those would have many years of experience in the design and/or the construction industry as required by their association such as the AATO, and spent many years drawing on the boards or computer under an “Architect”. Many of these people may have not been able to attend University because of socio-economical family situations and stigmas, and went to an education route where they felt more accepted and comfortable and felt able to afford long term.
Of course not every architect, or even BCIN designer, or Technologists is created equal within their own groups.
Many BCIN holders/Architectural Technologists will provide similar services to an “Architect” and are legally qualified to do so within Ministry mandated size limits. The Ontario Association of Architects even actually recognizes Technologists within their association if we wish to join them and pay their fees in addition to the fees we already pay as certified Technologists and BCIN holders, and again take more exams that we already have taken for our school, association, and BCIN licensing.
Many architects’ offices depend on their Technologists as essential staff for producing their drawings. The nurse to the doctor if you will. If you hire an “Architect” the reality is you may end up getting that technologist on their staff really doing your project, and the “Architect” will be the main face/voice of the services you get (and collector of the fees).
So a client needs to know what level of services and fees they want to pay for and decide for themselves if the fees are valid for the services they want and get.
*These comments are not to imply that we are at the level of Frank Lloyd Wright, or the others. It’s just meant to make a point about education, experience, knowledge, legality, responsibility, a level of profession, and fees.